
"When you do things from the soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy." -Rumi


I am thrilled to be blogging again. I stepped away from it as I wanted to A.) take the proper time to determine what I wanted this blog to be about and represent and B.) was looking for new employment as I recently completed my MSW degree. While I was able to identify A {thanks to many conversations with my sister and some trips to Portland whereby I floated}, I was struggling with B. A lot. I was losing confidence and felt defeated all of the time which, not only prevented progress and success with B, but further delayed the creation of A! I am a bit word-y but, it makes sense, right? I felt I could not blog because I needed to spend time working on and submitting applications, despite being SO excited about the blog and it's concept. As I was not moving forward in creating this blog and blogging, I was unhappy and 'bombing' interviews {thereby not securing second interviews and/or jobs}. It was a bad cycle that was preventing progress, success and happiness in all avenues. Now, fast forward, I have found a balance between blogging and job searching. Phew! I don't allow myself to feel guilty if I delay a job application by a day or two if I am working on a blog post/trying out a recipe/pinning {L.O.V.E. Pinterest} as I am in a better place, ultimately, when I complete the application and, ideally, go to an interview. That being said...

hello, I'm Megan...let's work together!
PRODUCT REVIEW: I am happy to accept products {that align with this blog's concept and aesthetic} and post honest reviews. I will indicate when an item has been gifted to me using the abbreviation "c/o". In addition, I will provide accurate information about the brand &/or retail store as appropriate.

GIVING CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE: As I strive to give proper credit to all images and products on this blog {by linking it back to the website, blog or company and/or by using the term "via"}, please do the same and link back to me and my blog when using images created, designed, and styled by me. Thank you! 

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