Wednesday, April 10, 2019

A New Year's Resolution...complete!

I completed my first New Year's resolution! I am a couple days behind schedule but I finished...hooray! As you know, from this post, I split my resolutions into three month increments. The first set of three months was dedicated to finishing two crochet projects from the Edward's Menagerie book of crochet birds. I completed both projects on April 8th - the flamingo and the dove. The birds are for two of my friends who recently had babies - the flamingo for RC and the dove for LA. A little behind schedule but feeling motivated and ready to tackle the next resolution (April - June).

Next up, I will be creating a wall adornment on a weaving loom SP made for me. I have watched a couple of YouTube videos so have already warped the loom. Yep, already using weaving terms. The warp refers to the yarn that has been strung vertically on the loom from one peg to another. I warped the loom over a year let's not be too impressed. It has been sitting on the fireplace mantle for over a year but I now finally have the motivation to move forward in the process. I will be referring to the The Weaving Loom by Kate, as her guides are user-friendly and easy to follow.  
What are your 2019 New Year's resolutions? Did you split them up over the span of the year? Let me know in the comments below.


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