Let's talk about 2019. I, personally, have mixed emotions going into this new year...I reflect on 2018 and realize I did not accomplish many of the goals I had set last new year's eve. I may not have achieved any of them, to be honest. While I made strides in some avenues (fitness/nutrition), I remained stagnant in many avenues (financial/organization/creative). A creative goal for 2018 was to start a blog - I did not start this blog until the last three months of the year. So, I spent nine months avoiding the steps needed to achieve this goal. Another creative goal for 2018 was to learn how to weave. While my partner created two weaving looms for me (thank you beau), I only watched a few "how to" videos on You Tube and put the initial yarn on the looms. I did not actually weave. An organization goal was to create -and keep- a filing system so I am not late in paying my bills. That did not happen although I attempted to start many times.
This is my reality and I am hoping that by writing down my goals, I will be more apt to accomplishing them. What are your thoughts on 2018? What are your goals for 2019?

In order to actually achieve my goals for 2019, I have separated the year into three month increments with the hopes that I do not wait until the final three months of the year to make s**t happen. While I can start on another goal that is designated for a different three month increment, I cannot let it A.) prevent me from accomplishing the goal for the current three month increment and B.) let the motivation fizzle out before the official three month timeframe has started and/or finished. For example, while I have a blogging goal officially assigned to the October to December timeframe, I can start on that goal earlier -say in February- as long as it does not prevent me from achieving the specified January to March goal. Further, I cannot not blog in October, November and December just because I may have blogged in January, February and March. Sound good? So, without further adieu, here are my goals for 2019.
January to March
- Create two crochet projects.
- I have had the Edward's Menagerie Birds crochet book by Kerry Lord for years but have never completed a project. I have started two or three times only to end up unwinding the yarn and walking away. Kerry Lord is brilliant. She also has other crochet books including dolls and monsters. They are all f***ing brilliant.
(photos of book covers via Barnes & Noble)
April to June
- Create a proper filing system.
- I picked up acrylic file holders (like these) over a year ago and have now started sorting through my paperwork - I have quite the "to shred" pile already but it has felt amazing to start this process. I plan to have a system that works for me in place by June so that I am not late in paying my bills and don't miss crucial deadlines. Also, it will allow me to stay on top of my balance transfers and be debt-free by 2020!!
July to September
- Create one weaving project.
- The reason I put the weaving project later in the year than the crochet projects, is because I have a lot of friends having babies and want to create a bird for two of them in particular. I have started following the lovely weaver/creator behind the blog/brand Hello Hydrangea. Here are just two of her creations that inspire me to commit to this goal in 2019.
(photos of weaving projects from Hello Hydrangea website)
October to December
- Create two blogs posts per month.
- I recently picked up this magazine and am super excited to read the content and create the recipes. I plan to cook/bake every recipe in the magazine and will document the journey on the blog.

I realized that something I could do to ensure a higher probability of success in achieving the goals as outlined above was to take control over parts of my life that I actually can have control over -
Fitness and Nutrition. I can decide if I take the time to meal prep on Sundays and I can decide if I turn the television off at night in order to wake up early the next morning to work out. I can control if I eat the pastries that are dropped off at the office and I can decide if I grab a soda and fries on the way home to "deal" with the commute. I am in control, here, and that makes me feel hopeful about 2019. Tone it Up also happens to be starting another challenge on January 14th, so that helps as well. It is the Love Your Body series - find more details and SIGN UP
I am loving all of the linen and Japanese denim aprons that are out in the market - both in mainstream and on Etsy. Seeing these inspire me to explore and create nutritious recipes that feed the body, mind and soul. Does it do that for you? Here are some of my favorites...
Where to Shop and Photo Credit:
Blue Smock: 'Denim Smock' by
Domecil, $60
(the photo immediately beneath of the button closure is the the back of the 'Denim Smock')
Natural Apron with Intricate Back Tie Closure: 'Halter Apron' by Domecil, $96
Forest Green Linen Full Length Apron: 'Prairie Smock' by Portland Apron Company, will be restocked in January!
Light Pink, Linen Full Apron: 'Linen Pinafore Apron' by The Prancing Hare via Etsy, $40.61
Light Blue Apron with Back Straps: 'Japanese Cross Back Linen Apron' by Magic Linen, $47
Of Note:
In the top photo, I am wearing a half apron, dip-dyed blue from
Domecil ($58) Gorgeous.
I created the collage via Canva. You rock, Canva.
I am still learning the ins and outs of blogging. I lost this entire post and had to recreate it because I accidentally hit some button on the keyboard. The "underline" capability was not working for me either...it was finicky and would appear when I did not want it to and/or be a different color than I wanted and chose for it. I am not computer savvy by any means but am excited to learn more during the assigned three months (and throughout the year). Thank you for being with me on this journey.